May newsletter

AGM Want to get involved in your community? The Dalhousie Community Association will be holding its Annual General Meeting on June 12 at the Dalhousie Community Centre from 7 to 9 pm. Come out and share your thoughts and ideas. Gardening Spring has finally sprung! DCA Community Garden members participated in the annual spring clean up day on May 5. The garden is now ready for spring planting! The DCA Community Garden is a volunteer run community garden on the corner of Preston and Somerset. Members of the community pay plot fees to grow vegetables for their own use in the raised beds, and also contribute volunteer hours for the upkeep of the site. The community plot at the front of the garden is for everyone. Drop by and take a look at the progress of the raised beds, and pick something from the community plot for your next recipe! Keep your eyes peeled for information about our social events and workshops, or email to be added to our mailing list. Unfortun...