DCA Agenda for 1 June 2011

7pm (Note the new time !)

Adopt minutes of May meeting.

Guest speaker: Matt Eason from city of Ottawa, to talk about OLRT

Transportation Committee report on activities:

• meeting with city re Bayview Station access

• followup correspondence with City staff

• attended PAC on all stations

• Still pushing MUP for Carling, thru bike branch meeting June 2nd, briefing to PBIA board, meeting with area planner. Coming next: meeting with city cycling office, then again with the traffic engineers. Eventually, DH to ask for more budget to better complete the Carling study.

Development Committee report on activities:

• Balsam site by Fanto,

• Bridgehead site, Anderson at Preston

• LeBreton Street car dealership

• Gloucester site height limit.

• Sec 37 (Catherine)

• Mid centretown CDP recommendations (Catherine)

• City review process for Infills

• We added our voice to the chorus objecting to reduced play space at Devonshire, via a letter to the OCDSB.

Somerset reconstruction update:

• looks like new railing is unlikely, a major cost saving.

• underpass to be built in August 2011, but not the access paths, so it will be “closed” for ? long

• tree guards, benches, garbage cans, tree lighting, city 2% art project

Liaison with CBIA, PBIA – Eric meets periodically. Note CBIA is looking for office help, 2x a week, paid (about 8 hr / week). CBIA is looking to see if we want to be involved in a fundraising for the DCA at the proposed night market event, to be located on both sides of Empress at Somerset.

Councillor’s Update:
