72 Cambridge

The following letter was sent to the Committee of Adjustment on 16 Jan 2012.


755 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6R1 16 January 2012

Committee of Adjustment Members
City of Ottawa

Re: 72 Cambridge St. N.

This property is un-characteristic of this R4H area and already overdeveloped.

• Lot area is even less than the 170m2 specified for a semi.

• Zero front yard, zero corner side yard.

• Negligible rear and interior side yards.

• Zero landscaped area.

• Already more than the allowable 4 apartment units.

This overdevelopment of the site is not un-related to the social problems at the site. There are too many units and lack of amenity and of landscaped space. The property while technically not a rooming house, displays the characteristics of a rooming house. Rooming houses are not permitted in this zone.

The property does not meet the requirements of Section 161(8) of the R4 zone whereby 30% of the site must be landscaped.

We therefore consider it undesirable for the development of this property to add 2 additional units.

If the number of units is not increased, no variance for parking would be required. While the current type of tenants may not have cars, there is a documented* and un-resolved parking shortage in the area due to the adjacent St. Vincent’s hospital and nearby Somerset/Chinatown. There is seldom a place for visitors to park.

We therefore consider it undesirable to approve relief from parking requirements.

Technical issues:

• The 1985 survey predates the present installation of siding. An Encroachment Agreement may be required for the siding, the overhanging eaves, and the steps/ramp extending past the property line.

• A carport structure in the rear yard extending to the lot line extends into the requested rear yard. It should be removed.

• Any approval should be limited to the life of the present building.

The Owner and his agent have met with the neighbours, the Dalhousie Safety Committee, and the Dalhousie Community Association. The Owner has made certain commitments in response to some of the social problems of the site which is commendable, but does not alter the planning problems we have noted. A copy of your decision is requested.

Yours truly,


*Somerset Heights Traffic & Parking Study 1994
