
Showing posts from January, 2012

72 Cambridge

The following letter was sent to the Committee of Adjustment on 16 Jan 2012. DALHOUSIE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 755 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6R1 16 January 2012 Committee of Adjustment Members City of Ottawa Re: 72 Cambridge St. N. This property is un-characteristic of this R4H area and already overdeveloped. • Lot area is even less than the 170m2 specified for a semi. • Zero front yard, zero corner side yard. • Negligible rear and interior side yards. • Zero landscaped area. • Already more than the allowable 4 apartment units. This overdevelopment of the site is not un-related to the social problems at the site. There are too many units and lack of amenity and of landscaped space. The property while technically not a rooming house, displays the characteristics of a rooming house. Rooming houses are not permitted in this zone. The property does not meet the requirements of Section 161(8) of the R4 zone whereby 30% of the site must be landscaped. ...

Draft Minutes Jan 4 Meeting

DCA Draft Minutes Jan 2012 The DCA met on 4 Jan 2012 at the Dalhousie Community Centre at 7pm. Present: Eric Darwin(taking the minutes), Maija Kagis, Lisa-Marie Inman, Charles Akben-Marchand, Pat Snair, Craig Haynes, Phil Robinson, Stephanie Strudwick, Don McMaster, Catherine Boucher, Ida Henderson, Michael Hatfield (chair), Archie Campbell, David Seaborn, Don Smith. Guests: Carla Aynkawa, Linda Buchanan, Pierre Contant (Cambridge Street residents) 72 Cambridge Street – the property consists of a house previously subdivided into 5 bachelor apts and a ground floor corner store. The corner store space was recently converted into two bachelor apts, without permits. There were permits for the structural repair of the building earlier in 2011. There is now a stop-work order on the building. Complaints focused on several issues: A) the large number of bachelor units some of which were rented very low income persons who supplemented their income with street sales, rumours of d...

Sectioin 37

The City has released draft guidelines for implementing Sec 37 of the Planning Act. The following letter was sent to Alain Miguelez in the Planning Dept; and Councillors Hume and Holmes. DALHOUSIE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 755 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6R1 10 January 2012 Alain Miguelez, City of Ottawa Sir: Re: Section 37 Implementation Guidelines The Dalhousie Community Association has several concerns with the Draft Implementation Guidelines as presented at a community consultation 6 December 2011. These are: 1. The threshold for building area will be excessive in many circumstances of infill. Rather than 7000m2, we recommend 3000m2. 2. The threshold for height is excessive. Height is one the most politically sensitive issues around. The threshold should be 10 or 12%, not 25%. 3. In every area where there is a CDP, the threshold for Section 37 to kick in should be the lesser of the existing zoning or the maximum height established by the CDP. This s...