317 Cambridge Street apt building

The proponent plans to demolish a pair of semi-detached homes that have been converted into a rooming house, and to construct a new apartment building with bachelor and one bedroom units. The exterior design is pleasing and the affordable units will meet a neighborhood need. The proponent has plans for the rehousing of all existing tennants. Adjacent property owners have been consulted.


755 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6R1
Eric Darwin, President

September 21, 2011

Members, Committee of Adjustment,
City of Ottawa

Re: Application # D08-02-11\A-00310
317-319 Cambridge Street North

Dear members of Committee,

The proponent, Mr. Raymond Stern, met with representatives of the Dalhousie Community Association (DCA) on September 20th and presented his proposal for redevelopment of this site.

He is looking to demolish the existing building and replace it with a 4 storey, 25 unit apartment building.

The DCA has no objections to the variances sought in this application as it was presented to us.

Thank you in advance for consideration of our comments.

Most sincerely,
Eric Darwin, President, DCA.

c.c.: Councillor D. Holmes
