125 Hickory Street

On March 14 the DCA sent this letter to Douglas Bridgewater, in the City planning department, regarding the proposed Starwood-Mastercraft 22 and 24 storey development for 125 Hickory Street (former Aquerello site, near the Humane Society):

The board of the DCA discussed this proposal at length at its March 3rd meeting. We are all familiar with the site, and had elevations and site plans on hand during the discussion.

We feel the proposed height is excessive. This is a mid-block, land-locked location, not a gateway. Its location on a transit corridor, and with nearby access to a major arterial (Carling Avenue) means the site is suitable for intensification. In our opinion, a height the same as the adjacent Emerald Tower would be suitable.

The DCA supports the notion of Transit Oriented Development (ToD) requiring different conditions than might be applicable in other areas for similar developments. Reducing the parking requirements is appropriate for ToD and increases the affordability of the units. Since the site is immediately adjacent current cycling paths and the future cycling arterial proposed for the Otrain corridor, we feel there should be a significant cycle parking facility conveniently located within the building to encourage cycling. The more the reduction in parking, the more prime parking spaces should be required for Virtu-car or similar car sharing services.

We appreciate being informed of public meetings and the progress of this application at the email shown below.

Eric Darwin

President, Dalhousie Community Association.




  1. Good dispatch and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you for your information.

  2. 24 flrs is really tall...
    The reason I think something tall possibly works is because of the townhouses. They should help keep a personal, community-feeling scale. It does seem excessive though.
    Maybe it's because the developer is trying to prevent the 855 Carling site from blocking the full view of dows lake/the farm? But then what will the future humane society site developers propose?! 30 stories? :)

    Looking forward to spring activity in the neighbourhood. Thanks for keeping us posted.


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