
Showing posts from June, 2018

June-July newsletter

The DCA remains active in a variety of areas. At the June meeting, a representative from Somerset West Community Health Centre (SWCHC) presented on a new project - Building Community... Together. The project aims to bring together Centretown residents of different backgrounds to help respond to rapid changes in the area. The project will be fully underway by August and is seeking people interested in becoming Community Champions. The DCA remains opposed to key items in the development applications for 900 Albert and the East Flats. Formal letters have been sent to the city with concerns about pedestrian connectivity, green and public space, and affordable housing. Also under discussion is the usage of Section 37 funds. Ideas range from a pedestrian bridge across the O-Train tracks, to more green space, to upgrading the stairs connecting lower and upper Empress.  Green space and parks are always in demand in Dalhousie. Councillor McKenney is looking for input on community wants a...

Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting    June 21st 7 - 9 PM Dalhousie Community Centre 755 Somerset St. W.   All are invited to the DCA's Annual General Meeting.   A presentation on the new Civic from the Ottawa Hospital! How you can help make our neighbourhood even better! A chance to meet other neighbours!