March newsletter
The DCA continues to monitor several major developments in the neighbourhood. With the potential for thousands of new residents and visitors to the area, there are concerns over the cumulative effect of these projects. Large residential projects are underway at Lebreton East, 900 Albert, Gladstone Village, Rochester Heights, and the Booth Complex. Other large scale developments include the new Central Library, Lebreton Flats, and just to the south of Dalhousie, the new Civic Hospital Campus. The Ottawa Hospital is moving forward with a community engagement process for the construction of the new Civic Campus. This will include the usual opportunities for online and in-person engagement, and will also include a new campus engagement group that will follow the process over the next three years. The DCA looks forward to participating in the process and encourages construction of a facility that integrates well into the neighbourhood. Claridge has released revised plans for the redevelopm...