
Showing posts from 2016

DCA March Newsletter

Norman OMB Appeal After years of hard work and preparation by your neighbours, the DCA had its appeal of the decision to build a 10-story condo tower on Norman St. at the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). This would be the only tower that was permitted on any of the dead-end residential side streets in our neighbourhood, and will set a dangerous precedent if approved. The OMB is notoriously unfriendly to appeals from community groups, but we remain optimistic that an egregious case of over development will be overturned. The decision has been reserved, meaning it will be some months before the board delivers a decision. 900 Albert A proposal has been submitted to redevelop the vacant lands between the City Centre complex and Albert Street, officially known as 900 Albert. A public open house was held on March 8, and details are now online at . The proposal includes at least three 55-story apartment/condo towers and a substantial amount of retail spa...

Lebreton Flats: Make your comments!

We hope that you have had a chance to review the two proposals for the redevelopment of Lebreton Flats. If not, you can view details of both online via the National Capital  Commission’s  website  until February 8 th . The DCA will explore opportunities for hosting materials for review after that date. The official public consultation continues until February 8 th online . The questions are straightforward, and they ask what you think about each of the proposals and general overall comments. It’s important that you take the time to express your concerns and what you would like to see at Lebreton Flats through this process. It is the primary way that we can signal to the NCC and proponents what we are looking for in the eventual development. Remember: what we’ve seen so far are proposals, and may change a great deal even before a winner is selected. The DCA will not be advocating for one proponent or another, but does believe that the following issues mus...

What Residents Should Look For At Lebreton Flats Open House

  What Residents Should Look For At Lebreton Flats Open House

January Newsletter: Lebreton Flats Redevelopment and Transitway Detours

Lebreton Flats Redevelopment. The NCC will be holding a public open house for the two bids to redevelop Lebreton Flats on January 26 th and 27 th at the Canadian War Museum. This will be the only scheduled opportunity for the public to view and provide in-person comments on the proposals. It will also be the first opportunity to see officially what they include. An online consultation will continue into early February. It has been widely reported in the media that both remaining bids will include an NHL-ready arena. There has been no other details as of yet about other aspects of proposals, including greenspace and residential and commercial uses. There is every reason to be disappointed that this process has remained relatively opaque with limited opportunity for the public to provide feedback. We would encourage you to attend the open house in person if possible as well as to provide your thoughts to the NCC afterwards. We would suggest that you consider the fol...