
Showing posts from May, 2011

DCA Agenda for 1 June 2011

7pm (Note the new time !) Adopt minutes of May meeting. Guest speaker: Matt Eason from city of Ottawa, to talk about OLRT Transportation Committee report on activities: • meeting with city re Bayview Station access • followup correspondence with City staff • attended PAC on all stations • Still pushing MUP for Carling, thru bike branch meeting June 2nd, briefing to PBIA board, meeting with area planner. Coming next: meeting with city cycling office, then again with the traffic engineers. Eventually, DH to ask for more budget to better complete the Carling study. Development Committee report on activities: • Balsam site by Fanto, • Bridgehead site, Anderson at Preston • LeBreton Street car dealership • Gloucester site height limit. • Sec 37 (Catherine) • Mid centretown CDP recommendations (Catherine) • City review process for Infills • We added our voice to the chorus objecting to reduced play space at Devonshire, via a letter to the OCDSB. S...

Committee of Adjustment Letter

Richcraft is proposing a condo at 346 Gloucester, just east of Centennial Public School, on the same block as Ricardo's pizza. The won increased height at the OMB, and are now back with a nicer design, same buildable area, but a very different shape that is also ... taller. We wrote to the committee of adjustment... Re: 346 Gloucester Street Dear Members of the Committee of Adjustment The Dalhousie Community Association wishes to offer three comments on the proposal. 1. We appreciate the improved aesthetics and view of the building 2. We appreciate the step backs and podium format of the revised building 3. We object to further increasing the height of the building over the previously (OMB-approved) height. Thank you, Eric Darwin.

Devonshire school yard and Parking

DALHOUSIE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION 755 Somerset Street West, Ottawa, Ontario, K1R 6R1 Eric Darwin, President Dear Mr. Piovesan, Devonshire Public School is housed in a lovely heritage building fronted by large mature trees. It serves many children who live in the area of the Dalhousie Community Association (DCA). The Board of Directors of the DCA would like to express strong opposition to converting scarce school yard area for staff parking. There are alternatives. While we recognize that many staff drive, we would like to urge the OCDSB to review its policy of enabling car commuting through its policy of offering free on-site parking to its staff. Does the OCDSB budget similar per person amounts to encourage staff to use public transit? Does it ever consider proximity to a school in hiring staff? Will the Board look at off-site parking measures, such as at Tom Brown arena or even the large underused private parking lot directly across the street fr...

Agenda for May 4th meeting

DCA Agenda May 4, 2011 7.30pm – meet and greet new and old board members, update contact list, adopt minutes and agenda 8pm – cathedral hill development presentation 8.30 pm – discussion of committee structure, selection of members for each group, election of President, Treasurer, etc. We may want to have a meeting chair separate from the President role. Do we want to move to a committee structure, and how autonomous should the committees be? Should they have fixed meeting date(s)? Suggested committees (to be revised): • Developments big and small, infills, Committee of Adjustment applications • Traffic, Transportation and neighborhood-scale plans • Cycling and pedestrians • Social wellbeing, schools, parks, housing, safety • Buzz distribution • Membership growth • Gardening Note the upcoming events to which we are invited: May 10th, 7pm, The Door AGM Note May 11, 6.30pm meeting on sec 37 at city hall