
Showing posts from April, 2011

All candidates meeting

Ottawa Centre All Candidates Event The focus will be driven by you! Questions will be selected through the audience or beforehand through OpenFile is a collaborative local news site. Visit, open a file, and your ideas will help power the event. Location: Saint Paul University, 223 Main Street, Guiges Hall, Auditorium Date: Thursday, April 28th Time: 6-8 pm Twitter: #OCdb8 The event will begin promptly at 6 pm. Hosted by the Old Ottawa East Community Association and the Centretown Citizens Community Association, in partnership with OpenFile. Other community partners include: Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation, Centretown Community Health Centre, Somerset West Community Health Centre, People for a Better Ottawa, Hintonburg Community Association, Glebe Community Association, Dalhousie Community Association Event contact:

DCA Report for April, 2011

Guest speakers entertain and educate The Dalhousie Community Association held its annual general meeting on 6 April. We had two guest speakers: John Doran and Rick Morris, of Domicile Developments. Domicile has been busy in the central city neighborhoods for 35 years. They have built townhouses, stacked townhouses, low rise apartments, and some higher-rise apartment buildings. They are active in the condo market these days, but have also built several buildings in partnership with non-profit housing providers. Their reputation amongst community groups and municipal planners is that they are “good guys” who work with the system and neighbours, rather than taking a confrontational approach right out of the gate. I contacted several building associations and academics trying to find someone to speak to the Association about infill development in our neighbourhoods, but no one was willing to talk about the decisions behind the infill projects, and the numbers involved, until I found...