
Showing posts from October, 2010

Letter to City of Ottawa arts program

Oct 15, 2010 Dear Ms Nesbitt It has come to our attention that there are granite column pieces available that might be used to create two additional art columns along Preston Street, complementing the 15 pieces already installed, to wide acclaim, by c j fleury. The Dalhousie Community Association thinks this is a worthwhile arts endeavor and encourages the City to work with the Preston BIA and cj fleury to come up with an appropriate Preston Street location and get these installed in the spring of 2011. Sincerely, Eric Darwin. President, Dalhousie Community Assoc.

Dalhousie report, October 2010

DCA Report The October meeting of the Dalhousie Community Association was jam-packed with sixteen agenda items. This follows the hyper-busy September meeting … which indicates just how many things are happening in the western half of Somerset Ward. But your Association is not really complaining … that busy agenda means we are having lots of input into what is going on in our neighborhood! The first item up was the little neglected parkette on Norman Street , off the south end of Preston. It comes complete with a little stage, but with uncertain pedigree. Is it really an official city park at all? The board decided to inventory all public greenspaces in the neighborhood and then request confirmation from the councilor’s office and city staff as to which are city parks. Then we can establish a providence and maintenance and renewal plan. The mostly-paved park in front of St Anthony church will be rebuilt in the next year or two (plans have been approved), but Norman Street parkette ...