Interprovincial transit study
The DCA sent the following letter to Marie Lemay, head of the NCC, regarding the interprovincial transit study now underway. These are our oft-repeated views on the transit strategy, we take each opportunity to reiterate them to the planners: The Dalhousie Community Association represents an area from Bay Street to Bayview, from the Ottawa River to Dows Lake. As such, we are the neighborhood with three of the DOTT stations, and three north/south LRT stations, and three interprovincial bridges. We are constantly involved in transportation planning studies with the city and NCC. With respect the current round of consultation regarding the Interprovincial Transit Study, we like the following : LRT service for the loop connecting Ottawa and Gatineau use the Prince of Wales bridge in the west, in order to help ensure the success of the transit oriented development on the west side of the downtown use the Alexandra Bridge on the east. It will be good to reverse the earlier convers...