DCA opposes rezoning 73 Aberdeen
The Community Association reviews all rezoning and Committee of Adjustment applications in the former Dalhousie Ward. We comment on many, and oppose some. Many of our letters are short and not reported here. This case is more interesting and involved. After some correspondence back and forth with the city planner, we sent in this letter: 14 May 2010 Douglas James Re 73 Aberdeen Street, D02-02-10-0018 The Dalhousie Community Association opposes the application for rezoning 73 Aberdeen Street. The property is currently residential zoned. Like on all the short dead-end streets running west off Preston, there are the occasional non-conforming uses adjacent to houses. It is good planning to reinforce the residential fabric of the neighborhood and not facilitate its erosion by primarily non-residential uses. All the prior neighborhood plans and the currently underway CDP call for continued residential uses on these streets, and for reinforcing the residential nature of the s...