
Showing posts from October, 2009

DCA Supports Cornerstone Project, 343 Booth

The DCA supports the Cornerstone housing project at 343 Booth Street (site of the former Desjardins IGA / Loeb grocery store). To Committee of Adjustment File# D08-02-09/A-00273 Cornerstone Project, 343 Booth Street The Dalhousie Community Association has been briefed by the proponent as to the description of their project and its social purpose. The Association wishes to express its support for this housing initiative as meeting a need in the neighborhood. We were also favorably impressed by the design and exterior detailing of the building, which should fit in well with the neighborhood and improve the appearance of Booth Street and help animate the neighborhood. With respect to the variances required, we support the variance required for the verandah/smoking area on the Eccles side of the building. We also agree that the project residents are unlikely to own vehicles and that the parking requirements for residents should be waived or drastically reduced. -- Eri...

DCA Minutes, Oct 7, 2009

Present : Maija Kagis, Michael Hatfield, Charles Akben-Marchand, Ida Henderson, Sean Darcy, Archie Campbell, Eric Darwin, Zsofia Orosz, Phil Robinson Guests: Brett Ruskin (Centretown News), Martha Musgrove, Sue Garrey, Jane Ironside, Bill Prentice, Anthony Leaning, Suzanne Harding, Lori Mellor, Linda McQuarrie Approval of Agenda The agenda was approved as presented by Eric at the meeting (slightly changed from the one circulated electronically). Approval of Minutes of September and Change in Procedure Minutes of Sept meeting were approved with one correction to the Chinatown web address. It was also approved that the minutes be circulated in about a week after the meeting, for approval electronically. This would allow their posting on the DCA blogspot before the next meeting. Moved by Archie, seconded by Maija. Presentation by Cornerstone re: 314 Booth Street building proposal The proposal is to erect a 4 storey apartment building to offer affordable housing for lo...

DCA Report for Oct 2009

by Ida Henderson, Vice-President, Dalhousie Community Association The Dalhousie Community Association’s (DCA) Board of Directors met October 7, 2009 at the Dalhousie Community Centre (DCC). Guests included Lori Mellor, Executive Director of the Preston Street Business Improvement Area (BIA); from Cornerstone Housing for Women: Sue Garvey (Director), Rev. Bill Prentice, Jane Ironside, architect Anthony Leaning, neighbour Suzanne Harding; and Linda McQuarrie from Councillor Diane Holmes’ office. Some of the main items discussed were: 314 Booth Street (former Desjardins IGA/Loeb site)Sue introduced Cornerstone’s plans to build a four-storey apartment building with 42 studio apartments (including kitchen facilities and bathrooms), 20 for senior women and 22 for women needing affordable housing, at Eccles and Booth Streets. (Cornerstone is a Community Ministry of the Anglican Diocese of Ottawa which, since 1984, has been providing emergency shelter and safe, affordable housing for wo...

DCA Agenda Oct 7, 2009

Meeting is at 7,.30pm at the Dal community centre, corner Empress and Somerset, ground floor, last door to the right by the pop machines. Everyone welcome. Communication 1. Minutes: Previous minutes to be adopted. Discuss new procedure to adopt minutes via email within a week after meeting for timely posting to web site. Discuss response to web presence by members and public here or under item Communication. Guest 1. Presentation for a proposal for senior’s housing at 314 Booth Street, the former Desjardins IGA/Loeb site. A four storey building, 40 units. (to be confirmed) Transportation 1. CCC – report & new executive (Ida) 2. BikeWest – info sheet sent out with Agenda. Discuss now or next meeting? (Eric) 3. Little Italy wayfinding signs (Lori) 4. Booth St traffic detour concerns 5. re DOTT and Albert Street planning studies. (Eric will follow up with Councilor’s office) Planning & Development 1. Domicile on Spruce Street 2. Sage developments on ...

DCA Pres. Speaks at Red Friday Rally

MP Paul Dewar spoke at the opening Red Friday Rally for the FestivAsia celebrations in Dalhousie's Chinatown.  MP Royal Galipeau was also welcomed the crowd. The DCA president welcomes attendees on behalf of the neighborhoods surrounding Chinatown.